Reviving Urban Culture 🌱
It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world - Chaos Theory
Urban culture is what brings the universe together. Each flower petal, each brick that has fallen to the ground, a tree who has outlived a war and has seen destruction first hand, how we have intoxicated nature and destroyed the very being that supplies us with life. That has witnessed first hand tragedies that our loved ones and neighbors go through and as onlookers mourn, like the heavens that cry when violence hits the streets, when the heavens roar when war strikes the nations.
Urban nature for me is what lives around us. Each atom that makes up a being has a story and through art and destruction our story is told. I captured these moments in time as each frame work spoke to me.
The shoe that has been eaten by the ground disposed of by grief, whose shoe is that and why has it been left behind? Everything has a story that is meant to be told. We just have to wake up, and listen and look as we are blinded and do not hear due to societies buzz and life through technology.
“Each smallest act of kindness, reverberates across great distances and spans of time --affecting lives unknown to the one who’s generous spirit, was the source of this good echo. Because kindness is passed on and grows each time it’s passed until a simple courtesy becomes an act of selfless courage, years later, and far away. Likewise, each small meanness, each expression of hatred, each act of evil.” ― Dean Koontz, From the Corner of His Eye